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Sensory Time

Baby and Toddler Sensory Play is designed to help develop your baby’s social and physical skills from the very early stage of their life.

If you are thinking about joining us for one of our sessions then read on, as I try to highlight the many benefits of a Baby Sensory Class

Mixing with other babies 

Bringing your child to a Baby and Toddler Sensory Play session will mean that he/she is around other young babies and, by doing so, learns important social skills, such as co-operation, negotiation and sharing. This will mean your baby is on the right path to developing social skills from a very young age.  Young babies, generally speaking, thrive on structure and routine and by taking them to a sensory class regularly will help to develop stability and structure into their life in a fun and interesting way.

Mental Stimulation

Being in new surroundings with an abundance of colour, texture, lights, sounds, smells, and of course mixing with other children, will bring your child a bucket load of mental stimulation.

This stimulation can mean that your little one becomes better equipped to handle anger and frustration, develops imaginative thinking, as well as forming a foundation for more complex situations as they develop.

Mums/Dads need to mix too!

Taking your baby to a Sensory Play session not only benefits your child but will benefit you too. Along with getting you be out of the house enjoying a change of scenery, there will be plenty of other parents there to talk to and share advice!  

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

Coming soon

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